
Unable to update bluestacks
Unable to update bluestacks

unable to update bluestacks

Again, tap on the “Save Changes” option.In the Performance section, set the Memory allocation to High 4GB and CPU allocation High (4 core).Click on the Gear icon present at the right section of the screen.To do so, here are the steps you need to follow. Thus, you can try switching between different engines, and check if it makes any difference. BlueStacks comes with the option of multiple engines.

unable to update bluestacks

Once you have downloaded the latest BlueStacks update, you can change some settings to fix the mentioned issue. However, the problem continues, move on to the next workaround. Open Netflix and check if you’re still facing the problem.

  • Click on the Storage option present under the Netflix settings window.
  • Thus, make sure to note down your Netflix credentials before proceeding further. But note dirt that clearing Netflix data with log you out from your account. If not, it’s time to clear the Netflix data. Now restart Netflix and check if the problem is fixed.
  • Click on Apps followed by selecting Netflix from the list of all the installed applications.
  • unable to update bluestacks

  • Open BlueStacks and head over to the “System apps”.
  • Nevertheless, here’s how you can clear Netflix cache data on BlueStacks.

    Unable to update bluestacks